Semantics HTML and Tags
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used but currently we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.
Important of HTML
As mentioned before, HTML is one of the most widely used language over the web. I'm going to list few of them here:
Web pages development
Internet Navigation
Responsive User Interface
Offline support HTML pages once loaded can be made available offline on the machine without any need of internet.
Game development
Proper HTML Semantics
Semantic HTML5 addresses this shortcoming by defining specific tags to indicate clearly what role is played by the content those tags contain
HTML Tags List
List of all HTML Tags is given below with their function.
HTML comment Tag: The HTML comment tag is used to write comments in main HTML code file.
HTML doctype Tag The Doctype declaration is used to tell the Browser about the version of HTML. <! DOCTYPE html>
<abbr> It defines an abbreviation for a phrase or longer word.
<acronym> It defines acronym for a word. (Not supported in HTML5)
<address> It defines the author's contact information of the HTML article
<applet> It defines an embedded Java applet. (Not supported in HTML5)
<area> It defines the area of an image map.
<article>HTML Tags List It defines the self-contained content.
<aside>HTML Tags List It defines content aside from main content. Mainly represented as sidebar.
<audio>HTML Tags List It is used to embed sound content in HTML document.
<b> It is used to make a text bold.
<base> This tag defines the base URL for all relative URL within the document.
<basefont> This tag is used to set default font, size and color for all elements of document. (Not supported in HTML5)
<bdi>HTML Tags List This tag is used to provide isolation for that part of text which may be formatted in different directions from its surrounding text.
<bdo> It is used to override the current text direction.
<big> This tag is used to make font size one level larger than its surrounding content. (Not supported in HTML5)
<blockquote> It is used to define a content which is taken from another source.
<body> It is used to define the body section of an HTML document.
<br> It is used to apply single line break.
<button> It is used to represent a clickable button